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Web Content and SEO Blog

How Web Accessibility and SEO crossover

Updated 2024

Global Accessibility Awareness Day is on every third thursday of May. Find out the crossover between SEO and web accessibility.

›› How SEO and Web Accessibility crossover

WordPress plugins and SEO tips

September 2017

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) available, and it's used to power millions of different types of websites.

›› WordPress plugins and SEO tips

Inspirational quotes to spring clean your mind

March 2016

Here are a colossal of mood-enhancing business quotes we've conjured up from sports personalities to prime minister's to philosophers to 21st Century motivational people because we have a dream...

›› Inspirational quotes to spring clean your mind

What is SEO?

February 2016

Each day millions of web surfers log on to search engines and enter in a search keyword to help them solve problems, find places, or just learn something new.

›› What is SEO?

Choose easy to use websites. Choose WordPress.

December 2015

The best way to describe who can use WordPress (WP) for business is everyone. From organisations on a shoestring budget to those spending millions on marketing, WordPress checks off a lot of boxes for a lot of companies.

›› Choose easy to use websites. Choose WordPress.

Free Webmaster tools to optimise your website

November 2015

Auditing and adapting your website to increase your standing in search engines is a process known as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). SEO is often a complicated process, but it is one which can be made a great deal simpler by using the right tools for the job.

›› Free Webmaster tools to optimise your website

Screaming Frog, Hidden Panda!

September 2015

We had an epiphany and out came the words Screaming Frog, Hidden Panda derived from the 2001 movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. You’re probably thinking what kind of random blog is this?

›› Screaming Frog, Hidden Panda!

Rank up the SEO algorithm with quality backlinks to your website

August 2015

Backlinks have been around since the late 1990s, that's almost like since Larry Page and his Co-founder Sergey Brin build the core of Google's algorithm. Search engine treats links as a vote for popularity.

›› Rank up the SEO algorithm with quality backlinks to your website

CAPTCHA - human or robot de facto standard defective

July 2015

In June, we went to a web accessibility and digital inclusion event and we thought it certainly would be good to focus on this unfavorable subject a bit more than we have done previously.

›› CAPTCHA - human or robot de facto standard defective

How meta tags do and don't impact SEO

June 2015

As you build a website from the ground up, there are seemingly endless layers to consider. The content that will actually be seen by visitors is, unsurprisingly, the most important layer of your site, but there is plenty of code that exists behind the scenes as well.

›› How meta tags do and don't impact SEO

The importance of information architecture

March 2015

Information Architecture (IA) is all about organising information, planning a routing system, and implementing content in a structure that's comprehensible and searchable.

›› The importance of information architecture

The future is intentional: semantic search

February 2015

The word semantic means 'relating to meaning in language or logic'. Semantic search is the clarity of intent when it comes to search engines and delivers the user more meaningful results.

›› The future is intentional: semantic search

Planning your SEO strategy

January 2015

Search engine optimisation may seem to be in a constant state of flux, but this steadily evolving industry doesn't have to be as confusing as it might seem.

›› Planning your SEO strategy

Let us help you integrate Google Analytics on your website

December 2014

Despite it being one of the most powerful tools for website analysis on the market, it is still the case that many people forgo the use of Google Analytics on their website.

›› Let us help you integrate Google Analytics on your website

Top ten tips for improving SEO

November 2014

SEO Keywords - Write down 5-10 top keywords with long tail keywords that you think users will search for to find your website online and order the 3-5 main relevant keywords per each page. Also use these popular keywords in your blogs and articles.

›› Top ten tips for improving SEO

How can we improve the web and make it a better experience?

October 2014

The World Wide Web is a great place to be. It is essentially an infinite source of information and learning and can be used for all kinds of purposes. Unfortunately, the web is not as accessible as we think for many people around the world.

›› How we can improve the web and make it a better experience

Why quality web content marketing is important?

September 2014

Website content includes anything that appears on your business website, from texts and descriptions to images and videos. You need great web content to attract visitors to your website and keep them there.

›› Why quality web content marketing is important

Why businesses without a web presence are missing out?

August 2014

At iAdControl we frequently encounter clients that at some stage thought that they didn’t need a web presence, after all, if you’re a small business then you know your client base inside out, and it’s likely that you serve a specific locality.

›› Why businesses without a web presence are missing out

Make your website work for your business

July 2014

At iAdControl we frequently encounter clients that at some stage thought that they didn’t need a web presence, after all, if you’re a small business then you know your client base inside out, and it’s likely that you serve a specific locality.

›› Make your website work for your business

Why accessibility and usability matters with web design?

June 2014

Those of us who began using the Internet at the turn of the millennium know all about flashy web page designs. Cyberspace was full of websites that focused more on multimedia, flash and graphics and less on content; back then it worked.

›› Why accessibility and usability matters with web design

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